Wednesday, 5 December 2012

getting around

Simon and I have so far refused to buy a scooter to get around and rely on tuk tuks (autorickshaws) despite the horrific expense ($2.10 for a round trip to town).  Below is a photo of a line of tuk-tuks on the helipad waiting for tourists.

There is a disco Tuk-tuk that drives on to the helipad regularly at night- or maybe I just notice it at night.  It is festooned with flashing LED lights and plays loud Bollywood tracks.  It is really something special.

This is a typical Tuk-tuk with garlands of flowers.  Since being in Kerala I have had to abandon my long held resolution to never ride in vehicles operated by drivers who believe in reincarnation.

The most expensive taxis are Ambasadors.  They are large, impressive cars in a variety of colours (black and white). We have never been inside one, but intend to one day spend the money to find out just how fancy they are.

A final word:  One morning on our way to Varkala for breakfast we had a guy in a large car stop and announce he was a taxi.  Simon and I had been waiting by the side of the road for some time for a Tuk-tuk, but we were hesitant to accept the offer at first.  It seemed improbable that his car was a taxi as it was neither white nor black and it certainly was not an  Ambassador.    The ride to town was relatively uneventful despite my initial reservations and eventual observation that the driver was not very sober. 

1 comment:

  1. You are very brave- I would not have gotten in the cab that did not look like a cab.
    Maybe the so called cab driver needed some more beer money.
    Well I must say we are enjoying the blog and the read each day. We even share it with our friends. They are amazed by Simon's cooking skills as well as the bats, cats and roaches.
