Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Black Magic

Last night someone left a black magic spell (a symbol created out of black chalk(?) with a chicken bone in the centre) on the doorstep of our neighbour's shop.  The shopkeeper has been very upset all day as this will mean very bad luck for him.  I thought it meant that he had pissed off one of the hundred or so Napali waiters in the area-just shows you how much I know.

Adil has decided that we may have a similar curse that would explain our recent dip in sales. We will pour alcohol around the perimeter of the property tomorrow to break any bad spells.  I thought that the cactus branch hanging from the rope over the front door (pictured above) was intended to protect us from such things, but obviously not.  I will update the blog as the situation progresses..


  1. Oh dear, don't put your chicken carcass in the garbage, make soup. And if there is that much bad luck around please don't open you umbrellas inside the cafe or it will send everyone into a dither.

  2. OMG!!! Don't waste the alcohol, drink it!!!
