Thursday, 18 October 2012

God knows better

We got drinking water and cooking gas at home last night and have found someone to cut down the coconuts in our yard so that they do not fall and hit us on the head and kill us.  Simon and I are afraid of yard work because of the potential for snakes.  The Kashmiris think it is unlikely that there would be snakes in our yard despite the fact that one has been seen recently "walking" on the road.  They cannot give a reason why they think our fears are unfounded.  When pressed they can only explain that "God knows better".

The photo is of the offending tree, but it is difficult to see the killer coconuts in this light.  You really will have to take my word for it.


  1. just don't climb the coconut tree and fall out of it on your head. Its been done.
    Love your stories. Keep em coming. And Simon, that means you. Terry

  2. You make me laugh, Marg! I'm envious of your adventure...cockroaches, killer kitties, walking sankes and all! Keep the posts coming!
